Sunday, August 22, 2010

Being a teacher..

Being a teacher inspires me to push myself beyond what I think my limitations are. I am always amazed when a challenge presents itself and then it is gone. How did I get thru that I wonder? God is my clear answer. I pray every morning that He will prepare me for any challenge that comes my way, that he would give me the tools to do the job He's called me to do. The teaching field is the place where caring so much for people is a good thing. I see why God gave me a heart bursting with love for people and so sensitive to hurt and pain. In the adult world it feels almost like a weakness of mine. But here, among His dear children I see where I belong. I see my purpose.
Being a teacher makes me a better person, it makes me stronger, tougher, more compassionate and less critical, less quick to judge. It leads me to show affection, appreciation, and thankfulness. It helps me see the bigger picture and stress less over small details. It forces me to be more flexible, caring, and passionate about what really matters. Teaching pushes me to lean on God more and myself less. It guides me to seek Him in the morning before a choice has been made. It means I smile more, even if sometimes it's forced, smiling makes you feel better whether you want it to or not. :) Being a teacher shoves me outside of my comfort zone and makes me more outgoing when I would normally be a shy, timid thing. I am more grateful for every blessing as well as more aware of them. Yes, life is more complicated, and definitely more stressful during the school year, but I have a purpose, a goal, a passion to work toward. I feel I have a bigger place in this world with such immense responsibility as caring for God's children, and guiding our future generation! It is easy to see that I work for God and not for man! He is the one I am serving when I serve others.
So while I am sad to see summer go, I am excited to see what amazing things God has in store for me this time and know that I will be changed by what comes my way. I pray that He'll help me to face challenges head on and be a blessing to those around me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of school

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3rd & 1st graders?!? How can that be right? My thoughts take me back to a 3 and 1 year old, best friends, side by side and all the wonderful time I got to spend with them as a stay-at-home mom. Oh how I miss those simpler days. It was a precious gift from God that I had that glorious time with my babies. Each day much like the one before it, cleaning, cooking, and playing.. waiting for Daddy to come home. I remember lots of laughter and silliness. Thank you God for my family! Being a mother is the greatest thing on earth!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

9 years and counting

I received flowers up at the school today during our meeting. :) So sweet of him. When we got married, it was planned to be just before school started back up. I was in college and he had work to get back to. Now, every year I frown when I look at the calendar and see that our anniversary is overshadowed by so many other things. It's always such a crazy time! We did get to go visit my sister & her fam in the city this past weekend. She kept the kids so we could go to dinner together. We went to Shoguns and it was awesome. Just a reminder of what I know everyday to be true.. God blessed me by bringing this man into my life. I am so thankful for him. Next year we plan to celebrate our 10 year in a bigger, more exotic & tropical way! :) I can't wait!

Our 9 year wedding anniversary!

Beholding & Becoming

“It’s impossible to behold what He has made and not be humbled as the created.” This beautiful book seeped in the richness of God’s Word ...